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Ncc & Nss

1.Interested students are advised to enrol themselves for N.C.C.through the Andhra University, N.C.C. units by the submission of relevant certificates from the Principal.  
2.The Aim of N.C.C. is to develop trained, disciplined youth force for recruitment into armed forces as officers to develope sportsman ship and leadership.  
3.The National Service Scheme (N.S.S.) of the college aims at the service of the community by involving those students who can offer their time, talent and energy to voluntary social work to get a feeling of being useful to the society. It will train them to fulfill their social responsibility as proud citizens.  
4.For the N.C.C. Cadets and N.S.S. Volunteers, reservation is provided during admission into graduate courses. Interested students are advised to enrol themselves in N.C.C. / N.S.S. Units by the submission of relevant certificates. 

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